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916 Poultry For Sale

Ads stay up for 30 days. If yours has not sold please message us and we will update your ad.

9-25-19                             Located In Lincoln                                          Price $10

3 Hens 1 Rooster

All very sweet. 6 months old approx. $10 each.
Do have a coop for sale also.

Contact at                                                                                                                             Email:                                                                                                  Phone:  (916) 865-7148

9-23-19                                Located In Lincoln                                          Price: $ 10

4 Chickens

We thought we had 4, six month old hens, but one has started crowing. Not very loud or long, around 8am. We cant figure out which one it is. Neighbors have complained and now we have 5 days to rid of them. 2 are buff orpingtons and 2 are cochin.

Contact at                                                                                                                               Email:                                                                                                Phone:  (916) 865-7148


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